Wednesday, September 14, 2011

7 combined image word image

My word is embarkation meaning to lose or to separate. The image on the left is an ad for an anti-depressant. When people are depressed, they feel separated for the world, the things and people they love, as well as their old self. The background of this image further pushing the definition of separation with the cracking of the ground the girl is on. It appears as if at any moment the ground could fall apart and she would be lost for ever. The image on the right is an illustration of a deer with its body separated into segments. The deer is divided by a burning tree going through the center of the deers body. This burning tree could represent the deers environment being lost and lost its home by either a natural fire or a man made fire. The deer is no longer about to survive without its environment, so it is broken or separated. At first glance, these images do not seem to relate; however, when a closer look is taken, both images depict a lose of normalcy and self. I choose this type face because it has thin, shaky lines as if the font is nervous like a person lost or a deer without the protection of its environment. I choose to separate the word onto different levels to further push the idea of lose and separation. The word itself is experiencing a lose of the letters as they fall away from the rest of the word.
My second word is beleaguerment meaning isolation. The image on the left is a mugshot of a young male. This image relates to the word in several ways. The male is being photographed for admittance into a prison. When someone enters prison, they are separated from the rest of the world; they are no longer a part of society. The viewer could also consider the idea that the inmate is no longer able to live his life freely; he is taken from his world and put into another world where he is no longer a member of society. He is separated from his family and everything he cares about. He may be convicted of a felony; in which case, he is no longer a acting member of society. He will no longer have all of his liberties and rights. He is separated by not being able to vote, not being able to posses a firearm, and not having many other rights a citizen is born with. If a person from native tribe saw this picture, they might relate the idea of separation simply because of the photograph. Many natives believe if a persons photograph is capture so is the persons soul, and it will forever be separated from the person and trapped in the image. The illustration on the right relates to separation in a more literal way. The deer is literally divided into segments. Each part of the deer is isolated into its own area. Deer are also herd animals, one rarely sees a deer separated from the herd, but in this image the deer is all by itself. I choose this type face because it is very thin and stretched out appearing as if the top of the letter is separated or disjointed from the bottom of the letter. I spaced the word out to isolate one of the letters. I choose to only isolate one letter instead of all the letters because it pushing the idea that when one is isolated, he or she is all alone.
For my third relationship, I compared the illustration of the deer to the photograph of the girl again, but with the word beleagument, the relationship between the images changes slightly. The photograph on the left depicts a girl suffering from depression. She is emotionally isolated where the deer in the illustration on the right is physically isolated. In the image on the left, the girl appears to be isolated in her own world where she is the only one who exists. This idea is further pushed because the path she is walking on is made out of anti-depressants; when a person is depressed they can easily feel as if they are the only one who has ever felt that way or as if they are the only one in the world. When depression occurs, the illness takes over; all the host can do is think about themselves and how isolated they feel they are from the rest of the world. They feel their feelings of happiness are isolated within themselves and those feelings will never again come to the surface. In the image on the right, the deer is isolated in that it is all alone. It no longer has an environment; it is isolated from the life it once lived just as the person on the left is isolated from her previous life.
For my four relationship, I compared the photograph of the depressed girl with the photograph of the male convict and the word embarkation. The word embarkation means to lose or to separate. In both the image on the left and right, the people have lost their old lives. The girl on the left has lost her old life and self because of her depression where as the male on the right has lost his old life and self because of his actions. The girl on the left feels lost because her brain is telling her she is where as in the photograph on the right, the male is literally lost from society because he made choices that lead to police putting him in jail. The girl on the left might be able to fight her illness and regain her old life she has lost; however, the male on the right may be able to fight his case and regain his freedom, but his life will never be the same.
For my fifth relationship, I compared the photographs of the depressed girl and the male convict again but this time with the word beleagument, meaning isolation. In both photographs the people are isolated from society. In the image on the left, the girl is emotionally isolated from society, where as in the image on the right, the male is isolated physically from society. The girl feels as if she is all alone because of her decease; however in the image on the right, the male is physically isolated from society. She is still a part of society, thought she many not feel it, but the male is no longer a part of society. He is in a new world and isolated in every way. He is isolated from his loved ones, and even if they come to visit, they are isolated from each other by a plastic or glass wall. The girl isolates herself because her illness tells her. She may feel as if she has no choice or she cannot stop the isolation, but she has full control over her recovery. Yet, in the male to the rights case,  he has absolutely no control over his isolation. He is in prison and now he has no say in his freedom and return to the outside world. It is up to others to break him free of this isolation and return him to society.
For many sixth comparison, I related the photograph of the male prisoner, the illustration of the deer being pulled apart, and the word embarkation meaning to lose or separate. In both of the images, the subject has lost there home. The male has lost his home and family because of the decisions he has made; where as, the deer has lost his home and family due to a fire that was caused by others. Both subjects are suffering from separation of the life they knew, but the male on the left chose a life that he knew might lead him to this point. The deer on the right on the other hand, has had separation inflicted onto it because of the acts and choices of others.
All three images show a division literally with the lines and breaks in the illustrations as well as in a intellectual way where the viewer has to think of the deeper meanings in all of the images to be able to see the separation and and isolation.

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