Word: consternate, meaning to horrify, disturb, alarm.
This is a illustration of a deer with a tree cutting through the deers belly and separating the deer into sections. The deer is surrounded by broken branches and a burning tree. One gets a strong feeling of nature and the loss of nature. Being paired with the segmented deer reveals the feeling of the loss of nature in turn means the loss of the animal. If I placed this illustration next to an image of a rain forest, the viewer would feel badly about trees being cut down. If I have this next to a steak or grill, the viewer would feel the deer is delicious or what's for dinner.
The word is consternate, meaning to divide or separate. I choose this word because it can relate to a lot about the deer. The deer (meat) if you were to cook it, you would need to separate the deer into pieces and then take it off the bone. The word also relates to the deer being separated from its environment.
Acumen is the word, meaning intellect.
For this ad, I get a strong feeling of isolation, loneliness, and loss. These feelings are very prevalent because the background is all cracked, the girl is all alone, and there are paxil, anti-depressants. If I had this picture next to a grave, the viewer might think the girl is depressed because she lost someone close to her. If I cropped this down to just the girl on the path and placed it next to a picture of the yellow break road from the Wizard of Oz, they viewer could think the girl is lost physically not just mentally.
word: Embarkation; to lose, separation. This works for the ad on two levels. The girl is physically lost trying to find her way, and she is also emotionally lost. She has lost herself because of her depression. She is lost and isolated from society.
This ad is very open to interpretation. The bright colors remind me of a sun or the summer. It appears very light and happy; this ad would not make sense for an ad for guns or other harmful items. If I put this next to a soda ad, the viewer would read it as bubbles or carbonation. If I had the image next to a mountain, it would appear as snow on the mountain.
Word: Illuminate, to brighten. This word carries through many aspects of this ad. It refers to the light and bright colors, the feelings you get from the ad.
This is an ad of President Clinton. This ad gives off the feeling that Clinton is not a good guy. He is on fire and smoking like many of the lies he got caught in. His face is stretched out which makes me think again of his expansion of his lies. He stretched the truth just like how his face is being stretched. If I had this ad next to a picture or article of Clinton cheating on his wife, it would give off a sense of he is in the wrong, and he is upset about it. If I had this next to a forest, the viewer might read it as the president is burning or cutting down trees and ruining the forest.
Word, Aggrandize: to stretch.
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