Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Image Word Image

I found the image of a man with a big knife and instantly thought of cooking. The deer is divided into segments which helps push the idea that it is dead or meat. The man is cutting his arm and the deer is cut into pieces, so I chose the word filet because it is a fancy form of cutting as well as the name for a certain piece of meat. I chose to have the font in all capitals so it would appear more intense. I picked a long, thin font to mimic the idea of knives being long and pointy. The word is split into 2 segments to mimic the division in both images as well as play off the word, cutting.
I first found the image of Einstein which made me think of intelligence. He enlightened many of the people in his time to new things about the world. The image on the left mimics the bright, radiant feelings I get from the image on the right. I choose the word irradiate because it plays off both images. Irradiate means to expose to radiation, uplifting, to send forth rays and to shed light on. The image on the left appears to mimic a sun; it is uplifting, and bright. Einstein shed light on many aspects of the world so others could understand it. I choose this type because it is simple, easy to comprehend, and appears to radiate upwards.
These images both give off feelings of happiness and excitement. The bright colors and the movement of both pieces flow nicely into each other. The viewer gets a feeling of a fun night out. I choose the word indulge because it relates to both the amount of intake and giving into cravings. I choose this font because it appears very mature and exciting. The placed the word multiple times to play off the word; when you indulge yourself you rarely have one of the item you are indulging in.
I feel both of these images work together in a literal way and in a mental way. The girl in the image on the left is physically stretching her body and President Clinton's head is physically being stretched. When I think of Clinton, I also relate the word aggrandize, stretch, because he stretched the truth. Most politicians do. Clinton's image is also on fire which can relate to the burn you feel after stretching or exercising. I choose this font because it appears stretched out and tall. I spread to letters of the word out to mimic a stretch. 
These two images work nicely together because they both have to do with separation and lose. When a person is depressed they feel lost. They are not themselves and do not know how to find themselves again. The deer is literally torn apart. It has lost a portion of its body as well as its environment. I chose this font because it is thin and a little shaky, almost like the word is nervous. I separated the letters to mimic the idea of lose. The letters are falling away for the word so the word is experiencing lose.

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