Thursday, September 1, 2011

7 ads and word list

This is a very creative ad. It depicts a brain toy holding a laptop. If i were to put a picture of another toy next to it or writing related to a toy store, the viewer would see this wooden brain as a toy. If I printed this photograph really large and hung it in the lobby of a technical/computer company, the viewer might read this as fine art. This photograph appears very mechanicalalmost out of a scientific movie; the ad could be mistaken for a tv show or alien movie. Word: perfunctory.

This is very abstract and simple ad. It shows a computer screen covered with a brown bag. Though it is very simple, this ad could take on many different meanings. This ad could remind the viewer of a present if there was a bow on the computer. If I placed a picture of a trash can or dumpster next to the ad it would no longer give the impression of new and take on the impression of old, used and dirty.Word: Walkover

This is an illustration of an imaginary fight taking place between a alligator/book and man on a red horse. If this ad was next to an article about teachers or the school board, the viewer might see this ad as a rebellion of the teachers. If this ad were made into a statue and placed on top of a trophy, this ads new meaning would be victory and triumph. Word: Surmounting.

This ad shows many colorful graphs and studies done on drugs. However, these graphs are very beautiful without the words. If I put other images of colorful shapes next to this ad, the viewer might think it is an ad for a museum exhibit or art show. Word: Recondite.
This illustration seems very painful and creepy. The boys eyelid is being kept open by a laser beam. If I had a picture of an eye chart or of an eye doctor next to the illustration, the ad would read as an ad for eye care. If I put this illustration next to an image of a little toy holding the laser, then the viewer might not want to buy the toy because they know it can fall apart and be hurtful to a child. Word: Idiosyncratic.

This ad depicts a shower head that can be turned in 4 directions. If I were to take away the water from the ad, the viewer may no longer read it as the same object; instead, it might resemble a microphone. If I was to put a image of a water park next to this ad, it might be viewed as a attraction at the water park. If I put a image of a conditioner bottle next to this image, the viewer might think the ad is for soft hair. Word: Labyrinthine.

This ad is very creative, using the liquor to fill and shape the glass.  If I were to remove the glass for the image, it would still read as an ad for alcohol. If I took the bottle away, the ad no longer has to read as drinking. It resembles more of a hand created glass sculpture, a wave, or a piece of sea glass. Word: Lymphatic.

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